Grills Orchards
About Us
East central Ontario apple grower and retailer.
Red Delicious, Spartan, Empire, McIntosh, Golden Delicious, Idared, Northern Spy, Crispin (Mutsu), Golden Russet, PaulaRed, Cortland, Fuji, Honey Crisp and others such as Tolman Sweet. Pears in season (Flemish Beauty and Bartlett).
Potatoes, Tomatoes, Onions, Squash, Pumpkins, local Maple Syrup and Honey.
Personalized Gift Baskets.
Candy, Jams, Jellies, salsa, relish and apple butter. (we carry no sugar items as well)
Black River, Empire and Maple Dale Cheese, Fruit Pies, frozen cherries and locally grown beef.
Apple peelers, and local crafts, and more.
Try a hot cup of cider while you browse, waiting for our friendly staff to get your fresh crispy apples.
We carry bottles of carb. cider 7 different flavours, for all occasions.
Quality Fruit for Healthy Eating is what you will get when visiting Grills Orchards
Supporting locally grown meat producers, Durkin Family Farm-Beef, HaanoverView Farms-Pork, Springbrook Farms-Pork, Spruce Knoll Farm-Lamb.
Supporting Ontario farms only-Local farmers Fosterholm Farms (Vegetables, Fruit, Syrup), Howes Orchards (Apples), Hilltop Orchards (Apples).
Blenheim Ontario, Delhaven Farm (Apples, Pears, Freshly pressed Cider).
Creamy Homemade fudge, Country Home bake goods, all made in store from scratch
Country Delight Bird Seed for your feathered friends