Trenval Business Development Corporation
Business to BusinessFinancial Services
Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Driving Directions:
North of Highway 2 at Wallbridge-Loyalist Rd.
About Us
Trenval has been helping small business in the Belleville, Quinte West, Stirling-Rawdon, Tyendinaga and Deseronto region since 1987 and has invested more than $40 million in small businesses creating more than 4,000 jobs through loans and advisory services.
Our Mandate:
To support the creation of additional permanent private sector employment through the provision of advisory and investment services to small business.
-To assist in the establishment of new small businesses.
-To assist in the expansion of existing businesses.
-To act as a catalyst between business and other community organizations with the intention of developing an economic climate in the Trenval area conducive to job creation.
-To promote economic growth throughout the areas serviced.
Rep/Contact Info
Eileen Brown
Business & Loans Advisor
- Phone: (613) 961-0590
- Send an Email
- 284B Wallbridge-Loyalist Rd. P.O. Box 610 Belleville ON K8N 5B3
Amber Darling
Executive Director
- Phone: (613) 961-0590
- Send an Email
- 284B Wallbridge-Loyalist Rd. P.O. Box 610 Belleville ON K8N 5B3
Barb Wilson
Executive Assistant and Loans Administrator
- Phone: (613) 961-0590
- Send an Email
- 284B Wallbridge-Loyalist Rd. P.O. Box 610 Belleville ON K8N 5B3